Friday, October 6, 2017

Let's Focus

Essential Oils for Concentration & Focus

You've just walked in the door and the familiar battle begins. The phrase "Time to start your homework!" brings with it an hours-long struggle, with tears, frustration, and yelling--on both sides. Or maybe you're beginning to dread your homeschool curriculum. What should be a short activity drags on indefinitely, as your child fidgets and squirms, unable to follow your directions. Maybe you've gotten a note home from the teacher or you've noticed your child struggling to concentrate during study time.
If any of this is you, read on!

I've got some simple essential oil recipes to calm the tears and help your child to get focused and stay focused!

There are tons of different essential oils and oil combinations, but these are a few of my personal favs for enhancing and sustaining focus and getting motivated!
Rosemary is warm, herby oil, and is known for reducing nervous tension and promoting concentration.
Peppermint smells like a cool candy cane, and it is fantastic for energy boosting and alleviating feelings of fatigue.
Lemon, or any citrus oil, promotes positive feelings and is uplifting and energizing.
Cinnamon oil is warm and spicy, and smells like fall. It's great for motivation and focus.

Either one of these diffuser blends is a great place to start if you're struggling with the Homework Wars. Try both and see which works best for your child, or make your own combo using the suggested oils.

Bonus Recipe! One of my go-to combos to diffuse in the morning is Peppermint and Wild Orange. It's super energizing and great way to get going and feel ready to take on the day!

DIY Laser Focus Spray

2 oz spray bottle
3 drops Peppermint
2 drops Rosemary
2 drops Wild Orange or Lemon

Mix oils together in spray bottle and
fill with water.
Have your child spray as needed during study or homework time.

Want to try this for yourself and need oils? Get our recommended brand here!

(We recommend buying your doTERRA products only from trusted sources, NEVER from Amazon or Ebay, in order to ensure quality and purity.)

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